Elements Academy of Martial Arts

Elements Academy of Martial Arts
This is the place to train.

Emma Lynds

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


I really needed to go for a run last night. After a long day of administration and sitting at my desk (not my favorite place to be), I was itching to get out. I am used to squeezing my workouts in around my hectic life. Running a Martial Arts club, which means being head instructor and CEO, and raising 2 kids on my own does not leave a lot of free time. But training always maintains a high priority in my life, especially with my goal of competing in a boxing fight this year. Sometimes I wonder if I'm crazy to be juggling so much but who am I kidding, I LOVE my life!

On my run I use my time to process the day's work and motivate myself for the next hurdle in my business. I'm trying to stay in the zone and focus on my fighter's mind. But I also have to keep my wits about me; after all I'm running in the dark by the ocean in Vancouver. I can't ignore that I might be seen as a target. Could someone pop out and jump me at any moment, and if so, would I be ready for it? These questions are always in the back of my mind, and some might call it paranoia - but I call it preparedness.

I have a lot going on in my head and my body, but all the while I keep aware of my vulnerability and my responsibility to keep myself safe. I don’t have my headphones on, and I’m certainly not distracted on my cell phone (2 big No-No’s). Perhaps I shouldn't run in the dark (and mostly I don't), but sometimes the day just gets away from me and I still need to do what I need to do...for me.

But the real question is, could I protect myself if that creepy dude did turn around and start chasing me or if that distorted stump up ahead turned out to be my worst nightmare? I believe I can. I don't know exactly what it is, it could be the countless hours I've spent struggling under men almost twice my size at Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu class, or it could be the knife attacks and chokes I've had to fend off from the lovely (but extremely tough and resilient) women in my Women's Self-Defence class. What I think it boils down to is that I believe in myself and I'm not afraid to fight for my life because, as I mentioned, I LOVE my life and anything I love is worth fighting for!

If you are interested in learning self-defence, I encourage you to come out and try the Women's Self-Defence class at my club. It is a fun, positive and constructive hour spent with wonderful, strong, supportive women. Why not try it out? There's a self-defense workshop on Tuesday, March 8th at my club from 7pm - 8:30pm in recognition of International Women's Day. It's by donation and proceeds go to WAVAW.

It's fight, not flight.


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