Elements Academy of Martial Arts

Elements Academy of Martial Arts
This is the place to train.

Emma Lynds

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Upper Body Day

I made it to the gym!! Like everyone else, some days I have to drag my butt there and it's the last thing I want to do. On Monday, I had a series of very productive and inspiring team meetings, leaving me feeling invigorated at the end of the day. However, even though I had planned on a run and hitting the weights, the couch and a big fat glass of red wine was definitely calling. As per usual, my 16 year old weighed in with his voice of wisdom (this happens at the most unsuspecting times). Every time I stall on getting out the door, without fail, he reminds me that I will feel so much better when it's over. He usually adds that the other girl (meaning my opponent) is probably running so I had better do the same. Finally, he punishingly adds...and you better run faster and harder than her. Good point...still, I argue that I haven't made him dinner yet and that by the time I get back, he will be starving and I will just be starting his all-time favorite dinner - lasagna. No problem, he is willing to do all the prep!!
Smile, sigh. Off I go.
I run to the gym - good compromise! I get there at 7pm and it's absolutely packed...now I know why my 9pm preference is best. I can barely find weights or a bench or any other station to start in on my sets, but thankfully, some nice guy is letting me work in. I work diligently and with intense focus and dedication for 1 hr. This is the part I don't have a problem with. Once I'm there, I'm all in.
I do spot a rather doughy young woman pacing (more like wandering) around the gym looking for something to do. She has a water bottle in hand and towel draped over her neck, and clearly has no intention of using either. I am amused but I also sense that she is overwhelmed and discouraged. This is new territory for her. I help her get set up on something that I think she can manage on her own without hurting herself and leave her to her own devices. I really wish that the staff would be more proactive in these cases and at least give her an orientation and maybe suggest some privates. This is definitely how people end up never coming back...they go home and sit on the couch with a big fat glass of red wine!
Mission accomplished...I run home, finish the lasagna and sit down to a nice dinner with my son at 10pm. I feel happy, fulfilled, and very supported by my family and friends.
What a lucky lady I am.

Health and happiness!

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